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2025, A new year and a completely new updated look for the website. I cant believe its been 12 years now. Onward and upward with new exciting things to come.
Just a little about me. I'm a retired Machinist and designer making Muzzle Brakes. I make my brakes for all aspects of the spectrum at a price point within reach of everyone.
It all started when I was shocked and appalled at the prices some people charge for a Muzzle device, So I made my own. After a few years and many designs and models. Ive settled on my standard line that is proven and prove themselves every day. Over 100,000 brakes sold now and growing.
I am a one man operation working out of my humble little shop. I don't do bulk advertising or distributers. I sell direct so I can keep the costs down. Everything is done here in Arizona. yes, absolutely made 100% in the U.S.A.
The only thing I don't do myself is the Nitride Coating. I sub that finish part out locally to H&M West Black Nitride. They are the industry leader in Nitride Coatings in the US. some of their clients include Ruger and Smith&Wesson, along with a list too long to type here. So rest assured, you're getting the best, most durable coating on the market.
2025 is here and Im working on many new and exciting projects so stay tuned for that!